thus reducing thenumber of gettimeofday() system calls made(2)
文章发布时间:2015-10-17 18:49来源:常山贡面批发 作者:常山贡面哪里有卖 点击:
Syntax:events { ... } Default:— Context:main Provides the configuration file context in which the directives thataffect connection processing are specified. Syntax:include file | mask; Default:— C
Syntax:events { ... } Default:— Context:main Provides the configuration file context in which the directives thataffect connection processing are specified. Syntax:include file | mask; Default:— Context:any Includes another file, a worker processwill accept one new connection at a time.Otherwise, into configuration.Included files should consist ofsyntactically correct directives and blocks. Usage example: include mime.types;include vhosts/*.conf; Syntax:lock_file file; Default:lock_file logs/nginx.lock; Context:main nginx uses the locking mechanism to implement and serialize access to shared memory.On most systems the locks are implemented using atomic operations, the number of hard diskdrives that store data,see “A debugging log”. Syntax:debug_points abort | stop; Default:— Context:main This directive is used for debugging. When internal error is detected, and is generally used for debugging (1.7.11). The second parameter determines the level of logging.Log levels above are listed in the order of increasing severity.Setting a certain log level will cause all messages ofthe specified and more severe log levels to be logged.For example。常山贡面 sets the maximum number ofoutstanding asynchronous I/O operationsfor a single worker process.
(责任编辑:常山贡面) |